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Choosing Intentionality and calm in a busy schedule

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The story of unwind goes back to when I was a college student. Being surrounded by some of the smartest minds in the country, I felt constant pressure to stand out in the crowd. As a result, I started taking up tasks only to have that impressive resume and land that dream job. I was scared of being lost in a sea full of ambitious people.  

Being a little intentional with the small and big things has made a significant impact in my life, reading about which, I believe, will help someone going through similar emotions as I once was.

hold on to your dreams, and don't let go...

"Yes, we must have secret places.

Not in order to hide from the world, but simply in order to be with oneself

for a change-

To get to know oneself a little,
because in the hurly-burly of life we can easily become strangers to ourselves."

                       ~Ruskin Bond

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I love all things self-care, mindfulness and intentionality. I am on a mission to create a life that values growth, awareness and positivity by practicing intentional living and encourage others to lead with intention.

Hi, I am Mansi

Get Free Resources

I am proud of you for choosing to prioritise calm and rest in a world where rat-race takes precedence.


Take the first step towards prioritising your well-being by downloading this FREE self-care checklist. 

Find instructions on how to make the best use of this resource  inside. :)

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