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5 Ways To Be Mindful While On A Busy Schedule

The idea of mindfulness has garnered a lot of traction in recent years. Social media is full of talks about intentional living, but how often do we make an effort to immerse ourselves in the present moment without worrying about the past or the future? I’d say it’s rare in a fast-paced world like this.

As days go by and our worries about catching up on the rat race rise, it’s only going to get tougher to find time to be mindful while having a busy schedule.

I am writing this blog post as a reminder for you (and to myself) to constantly find ways to be mindful of the time you have in your hand before it’s too late. I hope you can use this article as a small note which can be referred to from time to time, especially when you feel overwhelmed.

What Is Mindfulness?

My introduction to the idea of mindfulness was a few years ago. I read tons of posts about what it exactly means. One of the best definitions I came across at that time was by Catherine Beard in her article Mindfulness 101: Everything You Need To Know About Mindfulness.

She explains that mindfulness is a state of being in which our mind and body are at the same place at the same time.

Imagine a day when you woke up and went straight to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee. While you are in the process of preparing coffee, you are not thinking about the numerous things you have lined up for the day. You are not thinking about any conversation you had with a friend a day before. You are completely immersed in the process of making coffee: living in the present. That is what mindfulness is all about.

Mindfulness And Lack Of Consistency

As the world progresses, we need to match its pace. While being caught up in our daily routines, we tend to forget what ‘living’ life truly means.

I believe that the biggest struggle for me is the lack of consistency and prioritisation. On most days, I find myself working towards a larger goal in life, which leads me to neglect the smaller things.

After I realised the worth of mindfulness and how it has the power to change our lives forever, its thought would constantly cross my mind. I admit that I made every effort possible to immerse myself in the present (and found it to be extremely rewarding). But I would also admit that I started to forget about it as I got busier.

I believe our brains are wired to always think about the next step. While obsessing about our progress all the time, we neglect where we are at the moment. Past actions and future uncertainties hold significant value.

If, on the other hand, we find moments to express gratitude for all that we have right now, our life will take a turn for the good.

Finding Time For Mindfulness In A Busy Schedule

Here is a list of 5 practices that you can incorporate into your busy day for a more intentional life:

  • Mindfulness’ Breaks: If you find yourself hustling throughout the day, it’s best to set an alarm for each day to remind yourself to take a few minutes to pause and breathe. It will help you reduce your anxiety, especially on rough days.

  • Slow Mornings: Try waking up 30 minutes before your usual time to do tasks that do not require your phone. Make yourself some coffee, watch trees, make your bed, and meditate. Do small tasks that bring you back to the present moment and allow you to start your day on a positive note.

  • Wind-Down Time: Reserve the last 15 minutes of your day as wind-down time. During this time, think about all the things and people you were grateful for during the day. It will have a calming effect on your mind and will enable you to experience better sleep.

  • Spend Time In Nature: Being in nature is one of the best ways to bring your attention back to the present moment. Whenever you find time to walk in nature, observe the small things, like the movement of your legs and the chirping of the birds.

  • Embrace All Meals: If you are someone who rushes through meals, this is your reminder to stop doing so. While this is not a healthy practice to follow, taking proper time to eat your food also helps you be more mindful of what you are consuming and enjoy the process. Keep your phone away and notice what you are eating and how it tastes. It will also help you appreciate the food that you are blessed to have on your plate each day.

[Thankyou for taking the time to read my post. My inbox is always open if you wish to chat about anything! :) ]

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