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The story of unwind goes back to when I was a college student. Being surrounded by some of the smartest minds in the country, I felt constant pressure to stand out in the crowd. As a result, I started taking up tasks only to have that impressive resume and land that dream job. I was scared of being lost in a sea full of ambitious people. 


While struggling with comparison, I was afraid of not having my life figured out just like everyone else around me.


This was when I turned to some of the creators whose art and writings inspired me to go beyond things that bring temporary joy. I also turned to my friends and family who stood by me when I needed them. I started prioritizing my mental health way more than I used to before and began pursuing things that helped me unwind.   




Being a little intentional with the small and big things has made a significant impact in my life, reading about which, I believe, will help someone going through similar emotions as I once was. 


My name is Mansi Kwatra and I am an economics graduate from Delhi University. 

‘Bookworm’, ‘nerd’, ‘introvert’ is how some of my close friends and all of my acquaintances will describe me. It’s true that I can easily spend 8-10 hours each day sitting in front of my books but when I am not studying, you’ll either find me dreaming of traveling around the world or learning cool new things.

Two years ago, I was scared of being judged for expressing how I felt, especially via writing. Here I am now, hoping to crush that fear completely one day. Starting this blog is my attempt to look beyond the things that most of us believe are enough to live a fulfilling life. 

I hope that everything about this blog speaks deeply to your heart and makes you feel the same level of peace that I get to experience when I sit down to write these articles. 


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