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Your Self-Care Checklist For August!

I can’t believe we are already in the second half of 2022. One of the many things I have learned this year is to value my health, both physical and mental.

Although I do not consider myself the right person to offer workout tips, I have certainly been in the trial and error phase of my self-care journey for a long time and will include some useful tips in this blog post.


If you associate self-care with a shopping spree, once-in-a-year vacation and bubble baths, now is the time to rethink. Although these things will provide you instant gratification, I believe that the whole concept of self-care goes much deeper than this.

It is about finding practices that keep your mental peace in check and consistently prioritising them as a requirement in your life.

If you look up the definition of self-care in the dictionary, you will find something like this: The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. This means that if the entire idea revolves around your health then self-care practices should be unique to you.

Several articles online mention the benefits of self-care like improved productivity, better mood, higher motivation etc. But the major reason I believe self-care is important is that it allows you to consciously step away from the hustle and bustle to focus on your needs. It motivates you to ground yourself. We definitely need more of this when we step out into the world every day.


As we step into the new month, let’s make a goal to practice self-care daily. Allow your mind to experience calm by indulging in small tasks that bring you joy.

Download your Free August Self-Care Checklist here:

PRO TIP: Print 4 copies of this list for the entire month at once. Do not aim to complete every single task mentioned in this list everyday. In order to ensure consistency and see effective results, aim to tick every single item in the list at least twice every week.



Shinrin-yoku is a practice that originated in Japan. It literally translates into ‘Forest Bathing’.

You are supposed to leave your phone (basically all digital devices) at your home and head to the forest for a walk. There are no predefined rules to practice shinrin-yoku. You can trek, sit by the stream, walk around, or do whatever you like.

People usually hire guides for forest bathing. If not, there are several national parks across the country where they can practise shinrin-yoku alone. The idea is to zone back into the present moment with the help of sensory experiences like smelling the air, listening to the birds, and touching the grass. (Learn more about shinrin-yoku in this guide.)

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