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Book Review | MINDSET By Carol S. Dweck

This year, I challenged myself to read 10 books by the end of December. I am currently on my 6th one. So far, so good. While finalising these 10 books that I wanted to read, I came across Mindset By Carol S. Dweck, which was gifted to me by this firm I worked for back in July 2021.

I decided to give it a read and it certainly did not disappoint. I believe that this book has been an eye opener for me in understanding my mindset in several aspects of my life, which is something that we all need.

I have always been the one to question why I did things the way I did, why I restricted myself in certain situations, and why I attached my self-worth to a full-time, well-paying job. There were several positives and negatives in my behaviour that shaped me into the person I am today.

Have you ever wondered why you always want to be number 1? Is it because you wish to prove to the world and to yourself that you are the best, or is it because you genuinely enjoy the process of learning that leads you to the top?


This book revolves around two common mindsets that all of us have: Fixed and Growth mindsets.

The fixed mindset is when you believe that talent is inborn and skills can’t be developed over time.

People with a fixed mindset consider failure to be incompetence, and as a result, they tend to go the ‘easy’ way as their chances of succeeding are high. They feel failing is the end of the world for them.

A growth mindset is when you believe anything can be learned if you put in the effort, and your skills will develop over time. People with a growth mindset do not attach their self-worth to winning. They focus on building their skills instead, and the outcome follows.

The book starts with a basic introduction to both mindsets. It dives deeper into the mindsets that we have in every aspect of our life and finally ends with practical suggestions on how to change them (and maintain consistency).

Aspects explored: Business, Sports, Relationships, Teaching and Parenting.

"The idea that one evaluation can measure you forever creates urgency for those with a fixed mindset. That’s why they must succeed perfectly and immediately. Who can afford the luxury of trying to grow when everything is on the line right now? " CAROL S. DWECK | MINDSET


The best benefit of this book in my life has been its power to transform me into a more self-aware individual. And awareness is something that I have always valued in my personal growth journey. It makes you think, understand and act.

Mindset has helped me reflect on the experiences that led me to build the mixed mindset I have now, identify what this mindset is and guided me towards a better version of myself.

I realised how my fixed mindset in some aspects has been the rope that is tied to me and has always pulled me back whenever I made progress.

I believe what you take away from this book will be unique to your experiences and how much you are willing to pursue a positive mindset shift in your life. While a mindset shift takes a lot of work, even more work is in ensuring its consistency.


If you ever find your mind comparing your progress to others, you need to read this book.

If you lose interest in some things only because you fail once, you need to read this book.

If you are in constant battle mode with your mind that tells you you aren't good enough, you need to read this book.

I recommend this book, no matter what phase of life you are in right now, to get a clearer perspective on where you stand and how to step forward.

Buy at Amazon(India) : Mindset by Carol S. Dweck

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