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Book Review | The Practice Of Groundedness By Brad Stulberg

Since last year, I have been determined to lay the foundation for myself for a life that values wellness, fulfilment and personal growth. As a part of this journey, I stumbled on the habit of reading which completely changed my life.

My latest read, The Practice of Groundedness By Brad Stulberg provides a refreshing (and extremely logical) take on success that I believe should be normalised in this fast-paced world. The cover of this book sends across a powerful message that the reader can expect to be discussed in detail in the pages that follow.

“A transformative path to success that feeds - not crushes- your soul.”


Have you ever wondered what makes you 'You'?

There’s a voice inside of you that only you have access to. Then there’s the outside world where you’re trying to find a place for yourself to fit in. Most of us struggle to find a balance in between these two identities. This often results in us experiencing cognitive dissonance. Think of it as a bridge between who you are in front of people and who you are when you are all by yourself.

What we often portray to the outside world is influenced by a desire to be better than others and to win a race where the finish line is money. The idea sounds simple, if an achievement is measurable, it falls within the horizon of success.

This book explores topics that allow you to expand this horizon and redefine success in your own way.

The 6 Principles Of Groundedness

Without giving away too much, I have summarised the 6 principles of groundedness that this book talks about.


Of who you are now and not where you think you should be.


So that you can focus on channelling your energy to make this time worthwhile while also building a solid foundation for the future.


So that you are consistent with your efforts. Sometimes, the best way to speed up a process is to slow down and find your flow in the present to let things happen at their own pace.


So that you are real, not just in front of others but also with yourself. Vulnerability builds trust and confidence. It’s also one of the best practices to eliminate cognitive dissonance.


Our friendships branch out into 3 categories: Utility, Pleasure and Virtue. While each one is beneficial in its own way, a solid connection based on virtue will take you to heights. Finding a community that opens doors of acceptance, feedback, presence and patience forms the core of living a grounded life.


Science backs that physical exercise promotes overall well-being. When you move throughout the day, you learn to observe the signals that your body sends you as a response. You learn to push your boundaries each day (in a healthy way) to get over the discomfort of exercising. You embrace presence and acceptance, along with mental peace.

Round Up

If you are looking to build something deep in your life, this book can easily be your guide and best friend. It’s easy to read, realistic and backed by evidence.

It’s 245 of genuine advice from a friend who wishes you nothing but success, just on your own terms!

Buy The Practice Of Groundedness By Brad Stulberg here.

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