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I Tried Journaling For A Month. Here's How It Changed My Life

On my 22nd birthday, I decided to give journaling a try. I have never been openly expressive about my emotions in the past, so the thought of having a diary where I could write anything and everything seemed terrifying.

The most challenging part about journaling, and any habit building process for that matter, is that it takes patience to reach a point where it becomes a part of your daily routine. While the challenges have been many, they’re all worth it because the ultimate goal is rewarding.

When we live in a world full of chaos, most times we seek the validation of others. We form opinions of ourselves based on what others think of us. We form our goals based on what we see people doing around us. In a way, our entire existence revolves around the connections that we build and the experiences that we have.

But it’s easy for our inner voice to fade away in the noise of the outside world. The reason I started journaling is to bring my inner voice to the centre stage of my life to figure out who I truly am.

How Journaling Changed My Life

I can easily say that writing in my journal has been one of the most fulfilling things this year. Here’s how this practice helped me become a better version of myself in a short span of a month:

It allowed me to STOP

I finished school with good grades, enrolled in one of the top courses at a renowned university and landed a decent job. This may seem like the most normal path that anyone would take in life. But the only problem is that nothing about this feels intentional. I was functioning on autopilot, constantly chasing my next target with no intention of stopping and thinking about the reason I was doing what I was doing.

And although this journey allowed me to feel secure in terms of financial independence, I didn’t feel a sense of fulfilment. Mostly because I didn’t know who I was and what my source of true happiness was.

Journaling has allowed me to incorporate moments in my life where I can stop to reflect on my actions and my thoughts. It has enabled me to understand myself on a much deeper level, something I rarely even thought about before I started to journal.

It Enabled Me To Accept Myself For Who I Am

There’s something extremely calming about writing all your thoughts down on a piece of paper, as if you are talking to a friend who will never judge you, no matter how weird or strange you are. With this thought, my journal enabled me to understand who I truly am- my strengths, my weaknesses, my beliefs. Having this awareness has naturally allowed me to acknowledge myself for who I am, and focus on parts that need improvement.

It Has Helped Me Stay Organised

We all have days when lack of motivation and worries about the future take a toll on us. I felt myself experiencing the same too. But on days like these, specifically focusing on the to-dos in my journal helped me prioritise all important tasks and eliminate the unimportant ones.

Best Part: Having a brief idea of the tasks I want to finish off during the day has saved me A LOT of stress and worry in my life.

My Companion In Change

I am someone who takes time to thrive in change. A lot of you may be able to relate to this statement, but we usually accept the anxiety that comes with change, thinking that it’s something that we have to go through to succeed.

Well, I am here to tell you that it’s certainly not the case. We have the right to find calm in our lives, especially in the middle of chaos. By writing down all the mental clutter that accompanies change, I was able to make sense of what I truly felt in the moment and how big my problem was. It allowed me to focus on finding the best possible solution to my anxiety. I can see myself turning to my journal for comfort and clarity, especially when I navigate through change in my life.

Is Journaling Worthy Of Becoming A Daily Habit?

I believe that every person on this planet should be considerate enough to maintain a journal, simply because it’s the friend that you never thought you needed in your life. The best part about the whole process is that there is no right or wrong way to journal. You are free to choose everything you put on that paper, and there’s no pressure to always have a startling revelation at the end of each session.

Habits are built over time. It’s important to understand that the impact of journaling will not last in our lives if we are not consistent. It will take time and effort to build this habit, but I can assure you that it’s worth it.

For me, journaling has been a game changer. After experiencing this journey for a month, I can say confidently that I know myself better. I am much more aware of the areas in my life I need to work on. I am able to practise gratitude for what I have in my life. I am able to reflect on how my slow progress has accumulated over time into noticeable growth. I feel happy and at peace.

If you wish the same for yourself, buy a journal for yourself right now!

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