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1 Step Guide to Reduce Stress

4 Apr 2023

If there's one thing I have learned as a twenty-two-year-old surviving in this world, it is that the older you are, the less time you'll have in life. Things are simple when you are a child. But as you grow old, everything looks like a mess. Ordering takeout almost every day? Your health is a mess. Constantly looking at your phone/laptop screen? Your eyesight is a mess. Working hard yet feeling like you’re not doing enough? Your emotions are a mess.


In a world where literally everything can trigger anxiety, something as simple as breathing can be your saviour.


If you are going through a stressful phase in your life, I encourage you to close your eyes at this moment and take a deep breath. Remind yourself that this season will not last forever, and just like every other time, you will find the strength to win over your fears and pass-through this forest of uncertainty.


This week, I encourage you to consciously spend five minutes of your day in silence. Channel all your energy towards focusing on your breath and remind your brain to relax because an anxious mind will only take you to places that induce even more anxiety. Realise the power of breathing in bringing yourself back into the present moment because your mind deserves to live in peace.


You got this! <3

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