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A Comfort Email For You

2 Aug 2022

If you feel a lack of balance in your life right now, just know that you always have the opportunity to take charge of your own happiness. If you feel stuck, just know that you can learn to swim to the other side of the river. If you feel vulnerable due to change, just know that you’ll only get familiar with things as time passes. If you woke up feeling exhausted today, just know that you are allowed to take a day off for your mind to rest. If you can’t stop yourself from running on the hamster wheel, just know that you don’t have to pretend to like it just because everyone else does. If you choose to look closely, there are many little things that we often ignore, which could be a source of comfort for us when we feel like life is getting too much. In this week's newsletter, I have made a list of comfort facts that I hope will help you get through the day :)

  • Rainbows that exist at night are called ‘Moonbows’. Feels like an indication that light can truly be seen in darkness.

  • The Dutch embrace a practice called Niksen: which literally means doing nothing. It’s comforting to know that rest is encouraged as a practice in some parts of the world.

  • You can learn to draw in two weeks from scratch. In fact, there’s no skill on this planet that can’t be learned.

  • You can experience the Northern Lights, Polar Nights and Midnight Sun in Finland, all in a span of 365 days.

  • The fact that somewhere in this world, someone is already living a life that you imagine for yourself. There’s comfort in knowing that it’s possible for you too.

  • In Costa Rica, ‘Pura Vida’ means pure life. It’s not just a greeting, it’s a state of mind.

  • In 2008, Sir Nils Olav (A Penguin) was knighted in Norway.

  • A Finnish designer started a non-profit project which places 3D models of the art at museums for the blinds to "see" Mona Lisa and experience art.

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