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A Letter For You, From My Heart

27 Dec 2022

Hey There!


I am writing this to let you know how proud I am of you for making it to the end of the year! 

Remember how 12 months ago you were anxious as to where life will take you? Remember how sceptical you were about making it to the other side of all the uncertainties? In some ways, you could foresee then what the year has to offer. There were expectations and a list of accomplishments you wished to be associated with your name. You managed to make it through some, while others left you disappointed. You let yourself be a victim of comparison and self-doubt and in some moments, chose to believe that perhaps you don’t have what it takes to be the next best thing in this world.


But today, take a moment to feel your presence in the NOW, to acknowledge that you managed to survive through all those times you thought you wouldn’t. You chose to let go of the battles that were not meant for you and fight till the end for the ones you knew mattered the most. 


Yes, you might have wished for things to happen differently and perhaps for this time to look different and feel different. But no matter what, continue to believe that there is a reason why things turned out the way they did. There is a reason why you drifted apart from some friends, why you decided to let go of some habits, why you couldn’t pass an exam, as everything led you to a beautiful new path you created for yourself, that you are now walking on. 


Take a deep breath, and celebrate yourself today, because you deserve every bit of it !!

Your persistence lets you be a part of this world, allowing you to build a life that revolves around positivity, kindness, love and gratitude.


I am proud of who you are today, simply because you made it through the unknown. And you deserve to celebrate yourself for that!

 Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy New Year!

- M

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