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A Reminder To Get Up And Move

15 Mar 2023

When the Covid-19 lockdown was imposed, I would spend most of my time in front of the screen. The plan for work and leisure was the same, stare at the laptop screen until my eyes start to burn. Just like many of us, physical movement was an aspect in my life that took a back seat. The consequence was an overwhelming amount of anxiety and uneasiness caused by a sudden shift to staying at home. 


I continue to work from home and find myself experiencing these emotions quite frequently now. However, the one thing that keeps me afloat is my daily intention to step outside my house for a walk. 


It’s not surprising that several studies across the globe have identified the benefits of movement in everyday life. Studies show that people who sit for 8 hours per day with no physical activity are exposed to the same amount of risk that obesity or smoking may cause to their health. However, something as simple as a five-minute walk every hour is enough to counter these harmful effects of sitting. 


This week, I encourage you to assess how often you disregard physical movement in your daily life simply because there is “not enough time”

A healthy habit that’s built slowly but steadily works wonders for your mental health, not just in the present, but is also a step towards a fulfilling life. 


Do you feel productive on days you manage to devote time to a jog or a walk?

Does physical activity help calm your anxiety?

How well do you sleep at night when you spend most of the day doing mentally exhausting tasks?


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