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An Important Life Lesson I Learned Last Month..

13 Mar 2022

Last month was a little intense. I saw:

  • Kids finally going back to college: a routine I once had but hardly appreciated.

  • A friend losing a parent.

  • Close friends leaving town to do bigger and better things.

As I think about these experiences, I observe the passing nature of moments in life. I even found a word to describe this situation: evanescent.

Interestingly enough, the last time I remember being so in touch with this feeling was when I was in school. But with years passing by and me growing up, I found myself walking away from the awareness that everything in life is evanescent and hence precious. I guess the worries of having a stable career, the uneasiness of dealing with constant change, and variable friendships overpowered the simple yet meaningful things in life.

Sitting on the benches and soaking up the sun on a warm winter afternoon with my friends in college, I never realized that I'll look back at those moments one day and actually regret not being just a little more grateful than I was at that time. Often in life, we are so caught up in just existing that we forget how every moment in life is precious and thus deserves an intentional effort to be made beautiful.

The people who surround you right now, or the close friends and family you are not with currently, the job that you currently have, the effort you are currently putting in to score well in that exam:- whatever time you devote to these things and whatever experiences you have will become a day or even years older in the blink of an eye.

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