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Are You Wrong To Choose Your Own Pace In Life?

21 Mar 2022

I used to be a victim of giving in to my insecurities when I saw my peers move up the ladder while I was still struggling at the very first step. Not in a way that I would wish some terrible fate would befall them, but in a way that made me question if I was putting in enough effort or if I was even worthy of reaching the top of the ladder. But looking back, I realise that at times when I acknowledged my emotions, let go of comparisons and chose to walk at my own pace and most importantly my own path, I felt more alive than ever. The journey instantly turned into something of my own and not imposed to be made perfect in the face of norms, which more so made me willing to put in the effort to make it worthwhile. There are moments when you might feel like a certain job, or a city or even someone else’s life is not at the same pace as yours, and IT’S OKAY. Thinking from a mindfulness perspective, I see that we are not here to outrun others but to figure things out at our own pace. There might be a scope to grow if we follow convention, but the true beauty of life is in learning to walk at our own pace. Yes, we can allow ourselves to take a gap year when everyone else is going to college, we can decide to quit our job if it’s not the right fit, we can choose to start our own business at 40. It’s up to us to decide if we wish to slow down or gather speed at all moments in life. What do you think would be the best thing to do, choosing your own pace or choosing to walk as per convention?

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