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Dealing With Loneliness

18 Apr 2022

Last month was a weird month of transition. From being on calls continuously throughout the day for work to following at least a 10-hour long study schedule, it was a little more intense than I expected. I started my days by soaking in the beauty of nature for a few minutes, followed by hours-long study+blog writing sessions, and finally a few hours of Netflix before sleeping. Surprisingly, transitioning into a new routine was not as challenging as dealing with the lack of belongingness that I felt. It was the weirdest feeling that would creep up at night, depriving me of sleep. All my life, I had someplace where I knew I belonged. A group of friends in school, morning lectures in college, three crazy 21-year-olds trying their best to navigate through corporate chaos at work. But all of a sudden, I was forced to spend all my time alone. With everyone being extremely busy in their own lives, I felt as if I was left to deal with this transition all by myself. Random fact- I am not good with change. And the fact that I had no place of belonging in this season of life made me even more fearful of how I was gonna survive. I struggled, in the beginning, waiting for the weekends for my friends to reply, getting used to calls that went unanswered. It was weird to switch off my phone sometimes to study, only to see no new messages hours after switching it back on. In the middle of all this chaos, It struck me how suddenly my happiness relied solely on how many friends I was constantly in touch with. I thought to myself- Perhaps we are so used to being surrounded by people at all times that we really don't know what we would do if we were to be left alone for some time. We don’t wish to spend time alone with ourselves because it’s hard to dig deep into our feelings. We fear missing out on all the amazing experiences that every single person linked to us may be going through at the moment. But I knew it was time to let go of this perspective. I started to reconnect with an old version of mine who found comfort in her own company, who would spend hours sitting in her room learning new things and loved her ‘me-time’. I started being intentional about embracing this season of hibernation by appreciating the time that I got to spend alone. I read new books, painted, ordered pizza for my solo movie nights, and spent hours discovering and vibing to old songs. This week, I encourage you to spend some time on self-reflection and discover ways of finding happiness within yourself. What you’ll discover on the way is a feeling of fulfilment, personal growth and self-sufficiency.

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