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11 Jul 2022

Hi Again,

Welcome to the second week of the newsletter series “FINDING JOY”.

If you have decided to participate in this series, you are already a step ahead in your self-awareness and personal growth journey. Many of you may have already understood the tasks that fulfil you but cannot incorporate them into your lives due to a million excuses. This needs to stop now because the only way we could make this initiative successful is by actually being intentional in making these experiences a part of our lives (CONSISTENTLY).

I hope the first week was a good start for understanding what tasks bring you happiness. The next step is to find a way to blend at least 2 tasks from this list into our daily routines.


This week revolves around taking charge of our own happiness by putting our thoughts into action. And what needs to be acted upon is the “Reasons To Live” list that we created throughout week 1.

How To Do It

Go through your list and mark all the points which you think can be easily incorporated into your life, if not already, at the moment. Remember to be considerate of your already busy schedule and not set unrealistic expectations.

Set time aside for at least 2 of these tasks during your day. Keep them very small, 15 or 30 minutes, so that they do not feel like an obligation.

Just an example of how you can approach this, one of the points on my list was to build deeper awareness of my emotions to truly feel fulfilled with my existence. So I started journaling every night before going to bed. This has led me to a calmer state of mind by bringing clarity to my life, especially by helping me better understand my emotions.

Another one was the constant excitement of learning new things. There's no better way to expand your knowledge than by reading books. So I started reading for 30 minutes each day.

Your list could include anything: Coffee, Time With Family, nature, literally anything. You just need to find a way for it to be a part of your daily routine, even if you spare 10 minutes out of your day for it.

Why This Activity?

It may come off as a bit harsh, but we spend tons of hours each day scrolling through reels, Instagram stories etc. And we still manage to complain about not having enough time.

To build a life full of intention, we need to take charge of our own happiness, and these small rituals can be the building blocks for the same.

See you next week! :)

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