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Lessons From May

6 Jun 2023

In January this year, I made a rule for myself. At the beginning of every month, I will try to reflect back on the month that has just gone by.

The phrase ‘time flies’ is the biggest truth of life, and we keep going in order to survive. My intention behind this rule was to spend a moment reflecting on the good and the bad. A moment when I can stop to embrace everything good that has happened in my life and learn from the challenges I encountered.

Here’s what the month of May taught me:

Easy = Mundane

It’s easy to be part of a mundane routine. But it takes effort to break out of it from time to time. There might be slight discomfort, but there’s always fulfilment at the end of it.

Boundaries are important

It’s easy for life to step over you when you don’t set boundaries. Be it with work or with family and friends. These boundaries will ease the need to make your life decisions based on the convenience of others.

Worrying never helps

I encountered situation after situation over which I had the least amount of control this month. I fought back, lost control, and struggled to deal with everything at once. But every experience led me to conclude you cannot control everything. But you can be intentional with the time that you have.

Change is not always scary

I am currently in the process of experiencing major life changes. New beginnings can be scary. Last month taught me that change might not be as scary as I think if I slow down and do things one at a time. If you are transitioning into a new phase of your life right now, just know that you’ll figure it out, just like you’ve done up till now. :)

This week, I encourage you to reflect on how May was for you. Keep building on things that made you happy while acknowledging and learning from the bads.

Let me know about your discoveries!

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