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Let Go!

21 Mar 2023

Humans have a tendency to hoard. Be it things, thoughts or desires. Sometimes when I wake up, I realise that the number of tasks on my to-do list or the things that I wish’ to get done in a day will probably take more time to finish than the total number of hours in a day. Our brains are wired in a way that “more” of everything always feels productive. In my experience, this happens because we fear being left behind in life. We fear not being able to keep up with trends, not being able to make a lasting impression, and not being able to succeed. 


This week’s newsletter is a reminder for you to let go!

It’s a reminder that when you make room for things in life that truly matter, you will set yourself up for success. By success, I mean a life which you can build on your own terms. A life that prioritises mental peace as much as it prioritises financial independence.


This week, I encourage you to identify areas in your life where you know you have a tendency to hoard. Practice letting go of things that provide you nothing but anxiety and discomfort. Regardless of what you think you include in your list, here are some things that all of us hold on to for the most part of our lives. 

Here's your reminder to let go of:


  • Clutter in your house. Having a clean space is as crucial as having a clear mind.

  • A desire to be liked by everyone. Instead, focus on getting to know yourself better. (It’s way more fun!)

  • The need to be first at everything in life. In the past, I have also chosen things I knew I would excel in, not necessarily the ones I enjoyed doing. 

  • Constantly trying to make your future better. Sometimes, replace “I am doing this because it will secure my future” with “I am doing this because it makes my present self happy”.

  • Defining your worth by how others treat you. (Most of us learn it the hard way!) 

  • The need to control anything and everything. Sometimes, going with the flow is all that matters. 

  • The definition of success that someone else has defined for you.

  • Fear that you will fail without even trying.


See you next month! :)

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