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My Biggest Learnings This Year

13 Dec 2022

Last week, I talked about some of the biggest mistakes I made this year. As much as things felt out of control during challenging times, I also realised that it was just a way for me to learn and grow as an individual. 


I think that we humans always turn a blind eye to learning in life without realising that one of the few common things between good and bad experiences is that they allow us to learn. 

Continuing with my moto focusing on self-reflection this month, here’s a list of everything (well, mostly) I learned in 2022:


  1. Everything falls into place at the right time. We can choose how much effort to put in but can never get ahead of time. (remember the famous slow down you’re doing fine, you can’t be everything you wanna be before your time trend?)

  2. Building self-awareness requires patience and effort, but it is the best gift you can give to yourself.

  3. You have to start somewhere to get somewhere. 

  4. Your job title does not define all of you. Think about who the ‘real you' is often.

  5. There is no need to feel guilty about listening to your gut and doing things that make you happy without worrying about what others think.

  6. Learn to value yourself, because if you don’t, then the rest of them won’t either.  

  7. Pursuing interests that you don’t intend to transform into a source of income are great happiness boosters.

  8. Things get difficult sometimes while growing up. It’s always okay to take time to get back on track.

  9. Some of your best performances in life will happen when you give your best during the process without worrying about the outcome.


As of today, we are a couple weeks away from the new year. As much as I’d encourage you to grow introspective during this season, I hope you take time to step away from ‘What if I did this the other way? ’ or ‘What are my goals for next year? ’ and truly enjoy being in the present moment. I hope you embrace the cosiness that this season brings with it and find comfort in little things.


See you next week!  :)       

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