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New Year's Overwhelm

10 Jan 2023

2023 started with a strange realisation. That I am not the biggest fan of new beginnings. My mind associates a new beginning with change. It was challenging for me to come to terms with the realisation that for a certain period of my life, I subconsciously trained my mind to dread change. Unlearning those ideas and beliefs will take time. It’s still an ongoing process. 


Nothing screams ‘New Beginnings’ more than an actual start to the New Year. You feel like you have a blank canvas to paint again, a chance to finally make use of that gym subscription, take the first step towards taking ownership of your life and revamp your life with immediate effect. This need to rush towards the finish line as if the whole year will be over in a week leads to overwhelm, which is exactly how I’ve been feeling since 2023 started. 


My vision for the second week of 2023 is to normalise new beginnings and find room for acceptance of the fact that there is no need to rush through this time just because there’s so much that needs to be achieved this year. 


We do plenty of tasks each day that feel like a “fresh start”. And they are not necessarily stressful. 

  1.  Washing your face in the middle of the day

  2. Waking up from power naps during the day

  3. Writing a to-do list at the beginning of each day

  4. Taking a walk outside


This week, I encourage you to take a step back and check in with yourself, especially if you are struggling with New Year's Overwhelm like me. (Here's how to cope with it). Let go of the need to rush through life and believe that things will fall into place when the time is right. Take off this pressure of figuring everything out in the first month itself

New beginnings don’t have to necessarily be tough, but it all depends on how you choose to see them!


See You Next Week! 

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