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One Day It'll All Make Sense!

9 May 2023

I recently found myself in a phase I would somewhat describe as an existential crisis. I started questioning some of the major priorities in my life. I would find myself feeling agitated for putting in the effort when there is complete uncertainty about the outcome.

I believe that almost half of our daily anxiety occurs due to the fear of the unknown. At every phase in life, we feel happy when we have control. The uncertainty is what keeps us awake at night.


Last month, I found myself fighting thoughts like,

“Am I doing enough?”

“What if the hours of hard work I’ve put into building this thing go to waste?”

“Will I be considered a failure for choosing to walk at my own pace?”


I’m sure we all experience this chaos at some point in our life.

This week, I’m here to remind you that one day it will all make sense! A year or two years from now, you will realise that everything that went wrong actually led you to where you were meant to be. Never fall short of giving your best in everything that nudges you to grow. But spend less time thinking about the outcome. In the end, the learnings throughout the journey will matter more than the end goal.


When you let go of the fear of uncertainty, you will finally see that everything will fall into place eventually and in the end, it will all make sense!

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