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Realisations That Changed My Life

14 Sept 2022

Do you ever think about the past and wonder what all you could have done differently to make your present wonderful? Do you have moments when you feel like nothing seems to go as per plan in the present?

If you resonate with these feelings, I assure you that you are not alone. I used to feel this way all the time. A lot of introspection made me realise that the fixed mindset discouraged me to make room for flexibility in my life.

I have had some realisations in the past that I could say have been life changing for me. If you think closely about how you have lived your life or how you choose to live now, similar realisations might surface up for you too, which will guide you towards a mindful way of living. (and who doesn’t enjoy some peace when life is already chaotic?)

Let me dive deeper into some realisations I have had in recent years that have changed the way I think about my life.

  1. My path is my own

One of the most challenging but valuable learning experiences in my life was the phase when I was competing with my peers in college for securing a job that I believed would solve all my life problems. Funnily enough, it ended up becoming the biggest problem in my life at that time.

Because our mind is constantly thinking of how to top the race, what ends up happening is that a bunch of lost students start attaching their self-worth to what society thinks is ideal. You begin the final year at college, be one of the first students to get a job, and life is sorted. It’s not a smooth sailing ride for all though. And it’s because we think we are worthless if we get rejected by one of the thousands of companies out there, working in an industry that we might have no interest in.

For me, this feeling was hard to digest because a) I was scared of being left behind in life, and b) Deep down, I knew I was on the wrong path. Over a period of time, I realised that if I was okay with entering into college alone, not knowing a soul, then why am I not okay with choosing to embrace my own path after college is over?

What changed for me at that moment was a mindset, or a sudden infusion of mental peace, that allowed me to walk on my own unique path in life and be okay with the fact that I might be at a slower pace than those around me.

If you ask for an update now, a year and a half later, life feels a lot more balanced and calmer. (and landing a full-time job certainly did not solve all my life problems xD).

  1. Building self-awareness is a step towards a happier life

I don’t think building self-awareness holds as much importance in our lives as other things like building a career, being financially stable, owning a house, or having a family.

Of Course, these are huge milestones that bring us pure joy and pride but putting in a tiny bit of effort to know ourselves a little better goes a long way in constantly striving for a more fulfilling life. If you pay close attention to your thoughts, actions and behaviour, you will soon start to understand why you react in a certain way in some situations, what affects you deeply, what brings you joy and what makes you angry. It helps you grow by building confidence. There is also a strange sense of calmness that is felt each time we realise that we know ourselves a little better. Establishing this connection with my emotions has undeniably helped me progress in life.

Have you had any life-changing realisations lately?

An Important Message For You :)

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