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Things That Will Make Your Life Better

15 Nov 2022

Do you ever have moments in life where you realise that the only thing that kept you sane during the day was a hot cup of coffee, a wholesome conversation with a friend, or striking off a to-do list item? 


I have these realisations rather frequently in my life, I’d say. One reason, I believe, these things happen is because all of us unknowingly rely on the simplest things to carve the path of our life. Our values, emotions, priorities and actions are a by-product of our simple day-to-day habits. 


In fact, I believe that the solution to avoiding constant overwhelm in life is learning to embrace its simplicity. It’s these little things that build up our life, which means that everything we do, knowingly or unknowingly, holds exceptional value. 


If simplicity brings you joy, then why not seek more of what infuses this feeling in your life?


Here are 5 things you can do to make your life better...


1. Find time for a Hobby

Every individual is shaped by what surrounds them. Oftentimes, humans make the mistake of letting school, work, scores and KPIs define their worth. 

Think of your hobby as a creative outlet that allows you to dive deeper within yourself and explore potentials inside you that you never thought existed. 

Over the last few years, every hobby I took up, be it reading, painting or learning a new musical instrument, has taught me so much about myself, and I see it as one of the main reasons for growth in my life.


2. Practise Gratitude

Practising gratitude will make you appreciate the little things in life. And life is truly about living in the moment and creating experiences that bring hope, positivity and joy. Writing a gratitude list at the end of every week can be the positive shift you need at this moment in time. 


3. Stretch

I have always had a habit of sitting for hours at a stretch to finish most tasks that I start in my day. This usually leaves no room for me to take breaks and head out for a walk or sometimes even from my room to the other end of the house. I was surprised to realise how negatively this action affected my body, mood and headspace. 

If you want to make your life better now, start by doing a little stretch every morning. 


4. Capture moments

Us humans are hooked to the rat race to the extent that we almost always forget the value of prioritising ourselves and being present in the moment. This is why it becomes crucial to be intentional and document these small experiences that we can joyfully look back on in the later stages of life. 

 There are many creative ways of capturing moments via photography, video, drawing, writing (journaling) etc. You just need to figure out which one fulfils you the most.


This week, I invite you to join me on this mission of building a life for yourself that you feel proud of when you look back at it at 80 years old, for you decided to think less of the future and more of the present. I encourage you to slow down and think about how you can make your life better at THIS moment by implementing practices that YOU value the most.


See you next week!

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