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This Kills Your Happiness

11 Apr 2023

Think about it, are you really happy? At any given moment, do you feel like you are satisfied with the effort that you’ve done and the goals that you’ve accomplished?

If you dive deep into your thoughts, you’ll discover that on most occasions, you didn’t pause and pat yourself on the back for achieving things that seemed impossible at some point in your life. 

When we are in high school, all that matters is that we get into the college of our dreams. But if we get there, the worry doesn’t fade away. In the very next moment, we start worrying about finding our place in a sea full of people and making new friends. The thought of dealing with rejection terrifies us. Landing a dream job is all that matters at a point. However, If we manage to secure something even remotely similar to what we desire, there comes the pressure of, “Will I be able to fit into my work environment?”

The reality is, when we set goals in life, most of which we see as make-or-break moments, we normalise them so much that by the time we actually get there, we forget to celebrate the effort it took to reach where we are at that moment. It’s crazy to think that something that meant so much to us 5 years ago holds no value now because the worries of the future take over. 

This week, I encourage you to pause and celebrate all that you’ve achieved so far in life, no matter how little that achievement is. If it meant something to you, take a moment to remind yourself of how far you’ve come from the time when everything seemed out of reach. 

Slow down and appreciate where you are. The future can wait a little bit longer! :)

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