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You Are Only Human!

2 May 2023

Humans experience tons of emotions each day. A season of progress is often accompanied by comparing it with others. A season of self-doubt is often accompanied by the willingness to make things better. The pressure we put on ourselves is sometimes too much that it causes overwhelm. 

This week’s newsletter is a reminder to be gentle with yourself because you are only human! And as a human, it’s okay


  • If you feel like you are falling behind in life.

  • If you feel overwhelmed sometimes.

  • If you think your progress is slow.  

  • If you’re struggling to manage everything at once.

It’s okay

  • To feel lonely when people you love are busy.

  • To miss home.

  • To not know your purpose.

  • To feel scared of the unknown.

This week, I encourage you to consciously observe the thoughts that run through your mind every second. Focus on how your actions are influenced by the voice inside your head. Does it allow you to be free or does it hold you back from becoming the best version of yourself? What makes you unique? What are the tiny little everyday things that make you human? 

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