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Your Guide To Groundedness!

21 Feb 2023

This week, I finished reading my second book of this year. 


Back in the day, I used to define success as having my dream job, i.e. the one that everyone else is running after. Everything that could be measured and qualified as comparable was something that I wanted to build my skills on. 


Over the years, things have changed. A book that I just finished reading talks about the heart of the matter. It redefines success by pointing you in a direction that (as it claims and fairly delivers) feeds - not crushes- your soul. As preached by some of the famous philosophers and entrepreneurs, it all starts with practising groundedness.  


I have a full review available on my website if this idea intrigues you. (Read here!). I would love for you to give it a read even if it does not sound exciting to you, only to expose yourself to a fresh perspective. But for those of you who are too caught up (trust me, I know!), here are the six principles of groundedness that can allow you to build a life you can look back at with pride in your eyes later, because you built it on your terms!

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