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Zen Hour

16 May 2023

Imagine being in a phase where you are so busy focusing on just one priority that everything else in life takes a back seat. That was me for the last 2 months of my life. I only had one priority. And I put my life on hold for it. Although I do feel fulfilled for giving my best, by the end of it, I felt a strange disconnect from the world. As a result, when life slipped back into normalcy, it was difficult for me to find balance. 

Most of us let our schedules take over our lives without realising it. As a result, the vicious cycle of failing to meet up with deadlines and stressing about it becomes the core of our day-to-day existence. 

To break that pattern in my life, I came up with the idea of ‘Zen Hour’. The ‘Zen Hour’ is my attempt to restore the balance that I feel has been missing in my life for the last couple of months. The idea behind ‘Zen Hour’ is simple, spend atleast an hour each day doing things that calm you down. For me, that means consciously staying away from my phone and spending time either reading or painting. Sometimes, it means heading out for a walk. Sometimes, it just means meeting up with a friend. The idea is to acknowledge that there is a life outside of work and studies that acts as fuel for me to keep going, especially on days when I feel like giving up.

This week, I encourage you to incorporate a ‘Zen Hour’ in your day to wind down and focus on building experiences that you truly enjoy being a part of. Be intentional towards prioritising rest and peace. Find moments that allow you to break the ‘autopilot’ lifestyle and be present in the moment.

See you next week!

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